Our environmental standards
At Dyno-Rod, we’re committed to doing our bit for the planet. In fact, we’re continually improving the environmental performance of our operations.
Preventing pollution
We aim to use sound environmental practices and we adhere to all applicable legal and other requirements.
Reducing energy and resource consumption
We aim to design energy efficiency into our premises and products, and to manage energy wisely in all our operations.
Reducing waste
We aim to reduce waste and actively promote recycling and the use of recycled materials, both in products we sell and in our internal operations.
Considering environmental impact
We aim to consider environmental impact during our product development processes and will incorporate environmental factors in our contingency plans.
Environmental leadership
We aim to work with our suppliers to minimise the impact of their operations on the Environment. We’re committed to sourcing environmentally-friendly products.
Local ecology
We’re aware of the environmental impact we have on our immediate neighbours, and where possible work with local communities and agencies to promote environmental protection.
Communication is key
We aim to ensure that environmental issues are always incorporated within Dyno-Rod Group training programmes, while encouraging our staff to adopt sound environmental practices. We encourage communication with customers, suppliers and environmental agencies and advise customers of the environmental impact of our products and services.
Continual improvement
We are committed to the implementation of the ISO 14001:2004 standard and will seek independent verification of our environmental performance.