Ring Rescue

Sep 18, 2015 by DYNO.ADMIN

Ring Rescue

Dyno Engineer Rescues Rings

Our granny was given the ring when she married at the tender age of 20, and wore it throughout her life. It grew in sentimental value when her husband died ten years ago.

She continued to wear it. When it comes to emotional bonds, it doesn't get much stronger than this. Then one day, innocently washing her hands, the ring slipped off - and went AWOL down the plughole!

She thought the ring was lost forever, but she put in an emergency call to Dyno. Just in case.

Enter local Dyno engineer, Liam Carr. "I could see how much this ring meant to her," he says. "I was determined not to leave the house without ensuring the ring was back on her finger."

But Liam's work was cut out for him. When he took the trap off the U-bend, he couldn't see the ring. He cleaned it and ran water through it, but came up empty handed.

Our granny thought she'd never see the ring again. But Liam persevered. He cleaned out the entire U-bend, shifting years of debris.

He was determined to get to the bottom of the basin.

Finally, Liam came up sparkling! Needless to say, our granny was thrilled and Liam is her new hero. The local team are calling him Lord of the Rings!

It just goes to show: if in doubt, give Dyno a ring. And you might just get one back.

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