Dyno-Rod five-a-side
Dyno-Rod five-a-side

On at work for around 50 years, many of them with very little job satisfaction due to feeling disengaged with a lack of team spirit, resulting in a long hard slog for all their working If someone knew how to avoid this on a permanent basis their findings would be universally acclaimed. Sadly, no one has all the answers, but what people do know is that if you make good friends at work and make that step to become more than just work colleagues, chances are your job satisfaction will improve.
That’s exactly happened at Services, a Dyno-Rod franchise in the East Midlands. The team, who are usually in homes sorting out and drainage issues, volunteered for a local five-a-side tournament in aid of the Red Kite Academy. The Red Kite Academy work with children with learning difficulties and autism in the East Midlands. -a-side team was one of 32 local teams that entered the tournament held at Steel Park, the home of Corby Town FC.
The Dyno-Rod team were Michael McNally, Ben Pack, Lloyd Huckle, Ben Chalmers, Steve Rose, Fraser Elliot, Chris Stokes and Evan Genner. They wore bright orange strips ensuring there was no confusion that they were Dyno-Rod. The team fought all the way to the final where they narrowly lost 2-1, making them runners-up.
This was a great achievement for the team, working together to help raise £8,000 towards a new minibus for The Red Kite Academy. The legacy of the tournament lives on through the shared memories of the day, increasing the sense of community within the Dyno team and all the children that will benefit from the minibus. A big thank you and well done to everyone who was involved in such a great cause.