How to unblock a dishwasher that won't drain

Once you’ve got used to a dishwasher, it can seem like a real pain to have to wash your dishes by hand again. But that’s exactly what you might be faced with if your dishwasher isn’t draining properly. Here are the steps you need to follow if you’re trying to unblock it yourself. If it works, you’ll have earned some serious brownie points.

1. Empty the dishwasher

Remove any dishes that are in the dishwasher.

If the dishwasher is full of water too, use something like a cup to empty it out. This can be a bit messy, so make sure you cover the floor nearby with old towels to mop up any spills.

2. Turn the power and water off

Make sure the water and power to the dishwasher are turned off. You’ll normally find water and electric isolation either behind the dishwasher or to the side.

3. Empty the filters

Check the manufacturer’s instructions (or website if you can’t find the instructions) to see where the filters are situated.

Before you can empty the filters you’ll need to remove them. Normally they’re on the bottom of the inside of the dishwasher. They come in three parts and are very easy to pull or twist out.

Check them for debris like old food. Obviously this needs to be removed.

4. Clean the filters

Clean the filters with hot soapy water. It’s a good idea to do this every week or so, to keep things working properly.

Then just put the filters back together and put them back into the dishwasher.

5. Test it

Turn the water and power back on to the dishwasher, and then run it to check that the problem has been solved.

If you need expert help or have another blockage in the kitchen, find out more about our services.

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