How to get rid of rust stains

Rust stains on fabrics like clothes and carpets can be tricky to remove. But worry not – try the following rust-defying tips to save some serious time and hassle.

1. Removing rust stains from washable clothes

Salt and lemon juice can be an effective natural alternative to more toxic chemical rust removers:

  • Sprinkle some salt on the stain and then squeeze over some lemon juice
  • Leave your stained clothes out in the sun for a while
  • Wash it as normal

2. Removing rust stains from carpets

As above, salt and lemon juice can be effective here. The trick is to leave the salt and lemon juice mixture for a good two hours after you’ve applied it. Then use a damp white towel to blot that stain away.

If you’ve run out of lemons then here’s another method worth trying:

  • Use a blunt knife to scrape away and/or loosen any visible rust on the carpet
  • Mix two tablespoons of dishwasher soap and one tablespoon of ammonia with about 250ml of warm water in a bowl
  • Dip a cloth into the bowl and squeeze it over the stained area, so it's properly saturated
  • Blot away with a damp white towel